伊丽莎白·库珀-Reelhorn M.A.

兼任助理教授 of Business and Management

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  • 博士生,博士., Organizational Leadership (Concentration-bioethics), Regent University
  • M.A.O.M, Strategic Planning and Organizational Management, University of Phoenix
  • B.S., Business Science, University of La Verne
  • A.S., Health Sciences, College of the Canyons


  • BUS4116 - Strategy and Policy (Capstone)
  • 应用领导 & 管理(顶点)
  • Statistics for Management and Business
  • 高级管理财务
  • 管理策略
  • 人类行为
  • 企业文化
  • rganizational行为
  • 自我管理原则
  • 通信
  • 道德


  • National Senior Research Administrator Science Operations, American Heart Association (US and Global), 2008年至今
  • Director of Research Administration - Western Region, 2005 - 2008
  • Director of Clinical Research, The Wallis Annenberg HEART Program (STEMI Systems of Care)
  • 兼任助理教授, College of Business and Strategic Management, 希望国际大学, 2000年至今
  • Biomedical Research/Regulatory & Business Consultant – CCI Consultants, 2001 – 2005
  • Biomedical Research, Field Clinical Engineer, St Jude Medical, Ventritex, Biotronik,  1991- 2000
  • 生物医学技术, Manager of Corporate Training and Education, 先进的仿生, Pacesetter Systems January 1990 –2000
  • 兼任副教授, Adult and Professional Studies On-line Programs, 印第安纳卫斯理大学, 2000 – 2003


  • American Society for Bioethics And Humanities
  • 健康研究联盟
  • The Science of Medical Intuition
  • Patient Advisor – Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
  • 2007 - Los Angeles County STEMI Receiving Center Network Initiative and National Task Force
  • 2006 - Gold Eagle Award - Los Angeles County 20th Annual Productivity and Quality Award-Wallis Annenberg Heart Program


  • CITI Certification for Human Subjects Review (HRS)
  • Biomedical and Genetics Research Certificate
  • Social and Behavioral Research Certificate

SELECTED WRITING/PUBLISHING (More research publication(s) and study work available on request):

  • 罗奇,W. H.比肖夫,J. M.丹尼斯,B.唐纳森,M.邓巴. B.马里兰州希尔市.奥索里奥,J.幂,S., & 荒原,. E. (2021). Lay stakeholders in science and research initiative: A science advisory from the American Heart Association. 循环144(5). 作者顾问
  • 艾德丽安E. Faerber博士. ,帕特丽夏男, 伊丽莎白·库珀, 斯泰西内利, 戴夫McEachron, 帕特McEachron, 海伦·安斯沃思, 布莱恩Cogswell, JD, 莎拉·墨菲, Marc Salhanick, MD, 《胜博发app》《, MD, 菲利普Goodney, MD., Bringing Patient Advisors to Participate in a Surgical Conference on Vascular Care: How we did it. 9月. 2017年PCORI
  • Ovbiagele B, 和记黄埔P, Handschumacher L, 科尔曼一, 古铁雷斯米, Yelllin-Mednick年代, 返还年代, 库珀EM,  L盾牌, D霍洛维茨, C. 摩尔. Impact of an Urban Community Hypertension Screening Program on Participating High School Students. 种族 & Disease Journal, Volume 20 No 3,  July 2010
  • Ovbiagele B, 和记黄埔P, Handschumacher L, 科尔曼一, 古铁雷斯米, Yelllin-Mednick年代, 返还年代, 库珀EM, 普拉特FD. Educating and Mobilizing Youth to Detect Undiagnosed Elevated Blood Pressure in Their Communities: Searching For the Silent Killer. 种族 & Disease Journal, Volume 18 No 1, February 2008.
  • Eckstein M, Pratt F, Cooper E, Nguyen T. Impact of Paramedic Transport with PreHospital 12-Lead Electrocardiogram on Door-to-Balloon Times for Patients with ST-Segment Myocardial Infarction. Prehospital Emergency Care 2009;13:203-206.
  • 拯救生命的科学, American Heart Association Western States Affiliate Grant Recipient Volunteer Guide, 2009
  • 普拉特FD, 库珀EM, Eckstein M,  Nguyen T, Koenig WJ, French WJ. STEMI Receiving Centers Reduce Door to Balloon Times in Los Angeles County (Manuscript accepted by Academic Emergency Medicine)
  • Mission: Lifeline™ Emergency Cardiac Care in Los Angeles: A Case Study, 2008
  • 普拉特FD, Eckstein M, 库珀EM, Nguyen T, Koenig WJ, French WJ., STEMI Receiving Centers Reduce Door to Balloon Times in Los Angeles County, 2007科学会议, 11月4日, 2007, 奥兰多”, 流通增刊, 卷116, No 16, 10月16日, 2007,  摘要1992
  • Eckstein M, 普拉特FD, 库珀EM, Nguyen T.  Impact of Paramedic Transport with Out-of Hospital 12-Lead ECG on Door-to-Balloon Times for ST Segment Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) Patients, 急诊医师, 10月8日, 2007, 西雅图佤邦, Supplement to Annals of Emergency Medicine, 50卷, No 3, 2007年9月, 抽象不. 176
  • BionicNavigator™ Software Help, 先进的仿生 Corp, (Boston Scientific Corporation)
  • Guiding Women in Leadership, Santa Clarita, CA
  • Physician’s Implant Manual, 先进的仿生 Corp, CA
  • Physician’s Linear™ Lead and Extension Manual, 先进的仿生 Corp, CA
  • Patient Systems Handbook, 先进的仿生 Corp, CA


  • 骑自行车, Certified Advanced Scuba Diver, Former Member US Rowing Masters Class, 冒险之旅, 徒步旅行, 高尔夫球, 天文学 

引用: “Not everything that counts can be counted, and 不 everything that can be counted counts.——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦

For I am 不 ashamed of the gospel of Christ… (Rom. 1:16-17).